CLIENT: City of Sweetwater |
LOCATION: Sweetwater, TX |
eHT provided project management and design for an emergency water supply project that utilized grants from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The project included the construction of wells, water lines and SCADA controls to provide additional groundwater supplies for the City of Sweetwater (City). While the City’s existing well field could meet most daily water demands, the City’s operational plan was historically to maintain “conjunctive use” of both its surface and groundwater supplies to effectively “balance” demand and supply to each system’s ability to recharge over each year. As Oak Creek Reservoir was anticipated to run out of water within months, a greater strain would be placed on the City’s groundwater wells, reducing their normal time of recharge, resulting in reduced long-term capacity. To address these issues, the City expanded its groundwater supply by developing the new Hunter Well Field which consisted of construction of six municipal water wells with an average capacity of approximately 115 gallons per minute (gpm). and approximately 16,860 linear feet (LF) of water line, as well as SCADA system components. The project gave the City more flexibility in rotating wells on and offline, maximizing daily recharge for each well, and subsequently also maximizing the longevity of each well field.