Wastewater Services

Wastewater Engineering

Wastewater treatment has historically been viewed as an onerous, but necessary process to meet Federal and State regulatory requirements. However, with the increasingly scarcity of water in Texas, the importance of treating wastewater to a level of quality to allow for secondary uses is becoming increasingly important to the well-being of communities throughout Texas. Critical aspects of wastewater management are in maintaining regulatory compliance and in treating wastewater to the point where the effluent can be used in multiple beneficial use applications. Our wastewater system experience is focused in the State of Texas and our staff has strong experience in all aspects of wastewater system planning, design, construction and optimization. Because our firm has civil, environmental and geotechnical engineering divisions, our wastewater system experience includes a wide spectrum of projects, both in size and scope.

We have completed planning, design, construction and operations services on regional wastewater systems for large municipalities; and we have also had many prime opportunities to work with smaller communities in meeting their challenges to develop cost effective solutions for their population’s wastewater management needs.
