CLIENT: City of Abilene |
LOCATION: Abilene, TX |
eHT completed a comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Abilene’s wastewater collection system. Delivery of the Master Plan, along with the computerized system model developed by the eHT Team, was completed during 2010. Key components of the Master Plan included: Basis of Planning Memorandum providing population and wastewater flow projections for 2010, 2020 and 2030; Inventory of the City’s existing wastewater collection system; Results of field flow monitoring, which established base dry weather and wet weather system flows; Evaluation of the existing collection system and recommendations for system improvements to meet current and future (through 2030) system needs; Investigation of a satellite treatment plant to provide reclaimed water to Abilene’s “west side,” and to reduce capital expenditures for collection system improvements; Final Master Plan including system recommendations and corresponding capital needs.
Capital improvements recommended in this project were developed to adopt a “phased” approach for implementation for a period of time to allow for funding limitations and flexibility for change in scope as residential, commercial and industrial growth changes in the future.