City of Big Lake Municipal Landfill

CLIENT: City of Big Lake

In 2018, eHT calculated the remaining landfill capacity and provided the updated estimate to the TCEQ to correct the City’s current and historical annual Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Reports. eHT prepared the Site Operating Plan (SOP) revisions in 2017 to allow the use of a non-mechanical rock screen for daily cover. In 2015, eHT proposed minor SOP revisions to updated current operations, equipment, and personnel at the landfill. eHT prepared the SOP and Site Layout Plan revisions in 2014 to include an active above-ground pipeline across the landfill. In 2011, eHT worked with the City and TCEQ and determined that the revised 2011 industrial stormwater general permit was no longer applicable to landfill sites such as the City’s because it did not accept industrial waste. As a result, the City was no longer required to have an industrial stormwater permit or stormwater pollution prevention plan. In 2009, eHT wrote the facility’s Site Operating Plan revision. eHT completed a landfill gas well installation report and supervised the installation of the wells in 2008. We modified the Landfill Gas Management Plan in 2006 and installed wells in accordance with the permit modification.