City of Abilene Sayles Boulevard Improvements

CLIENT: City of Abilene

eHT provided design, surveying, geotechnical and construction materials testing, project management and construction management for the pavement rehabilitation along Sayles Boulevard from Buffalo Gap Road to South Danville Drive.

Design tasks included analysis of the drainage patterns to identify areas where grade changes could improve flow, recognizing areas with heavy vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic specifically in the areas adjacent to the school, and identifying existing utilities that were a significant hazard to construction efforts.  eHT recommended and the City ultimately chose to implement a few minor grade changes, construct heavy duty concrete pavement in intersections and the section of road in front of the school, and install bike lanes and sidewalks where none were previously located.  The project included lime stabilization of the subgrade, 42,000 square yards of flexible base, 10,000 tons of hot mix, 5,000 square yards of concrete pavement, concrete valley gutters and drainage crossings, traffic signal improvements and a concrete intersection at South 27th Street, 7,400 square yards of milling and asphalt replacement, and 47,000 square feet of new sidewalk.