CLIENT: City of Beeville |
LOCATION: Beeville, TX |
eHT provided planning, design and construction services for improvements to the City of Beeville’s 7.0 MGD surface water treatment plant (WTP). eHT designed and constructed new flocculation and sedimentation improvements to allow the City the operational flexibility to more efficiently treat raw water which is high in turbidity. The City’s raw water intake is located at a river inlet in a nearby lake. Due to the location of this intake, rain events would result in raw water with exceptionally high turbidity and the existing treatment equipment was not able to effectively treat this type of raw water. The WTP has two solids contact clarifiers that were both required to be in operation to treat the required flow through the plant. The new flocculation and sedimentation basin were design to allow for a clarifier to be taken out of service for repairs. These facilities were also designed to accommodate the expansion of the treatment units to facilitate the treatment of the entire design capacity of the plant. Additionally, this project includes modification of the existing plant chemical injection locations to provide operational flexibility and limit the development of disinfection byproducts in the finished water. Chemical systems were also constructed at the Clareville Booster Pump Station to allow the operators to boost the disinfectant residuals in the finished water before entering the distribution system. This project also included the replacement of the plant electrical system and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.