City of Big Lake WWTP Expansion

CLIENT: City of Big Lake

In order to maintain compliance with TCEQ regarding its wastewater system, the City of Big Lake (City) selected eHT to provide design and construction management for an expansion of its wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to support an increase in wastewater flows resulting from an oil and gas development in the area at the time. The expansion to the City’s WWTP was designed for a capacity of 0.525 million gallons per day (MGD) to meet a design life of 30 years.

Completion of the WWTP design included the addition of a new sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment train, an expansion of the existing secondary treatment aeration system, expansion of the existing polymer feed system, and expansion of the existing solids dewatering wedgewire drying bed system. Completion of the project also required completing a major permit amendment for the WWTP expansion.