CLIENT: City of Eastland |
LOCATION: Eastland, TX |
eHT provided application support, planning, design, permitting, project management, construction management and inspection for water system improvements funded through the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The City’s main 14-inch transmission line between the City’s high service pump station (HSPS) and their elevated storage tank (EST) was constructed of reinforced concrete steel cylinder pipe in 1952. Due to age, along with these high pressures, much of the transmission line was deteriorated over the years to the point that it experienced substantial and frequent leaking and was in need of constant repair.
The transmission line improvements replaced the worst areas of deteriorated piping and relocated piping installed under or directly adjacent to business/parking lots. The improvements addressed the City’s concerns. Replacement and/or relocation of the transmission lines restored reliable service to the community, increased line accessibility, brought the distribution system into full compliance with TCEQ design criteria and brought peace of mind to the City and all of its customers.