City of Midland Hydraulic Water Modeling

CLIENT: City of Midland

eHT provided hydraulic modeling services to the City of Midland to update the City’s existing hydraulic model, calibrated the model and used the model to evaluate the City’s distribution system. eHT prepared a report of recommendations for distribution system improvements to address deficiencies identified by the modeling. Services included: reviewing, updating and calibrating the City’s existing hydraulic model of the water distribution system to reflect the current system configuration, operation and demand conditions; incorporating the City’s control strategy for system storage tank and pump station operations; incorporating as-built plans of system improvements; and calibration of the model using historical flow data and updated flow tests. eHT prepared a water distribution system analysis outlining the results of the model, including an analysis of existing infrastructure, historical demands, water age and recommendations for proposed system improvements. eHT provides ongoing modeling support services that Services also included one year of modeling support that incorporate proposed distribution system improvements, analysis and recommendation of water meter requests, analysis of proposed private and commercial development requests for system expansion and analysis to identify and evaluate efficiency of system operations, such as water age.