City of Midland Wastewater Collection System Modeling
CLIENT: City of Midland |
LOCATION: Midland, TX |
The City of Midland (City) hired eHT to prepare a Master Plan Report for the City’s wastewater collection system. A part of the Master Plan included the update of the City’s wastewater collection model. The model had not been updated in several years and needed a complete rebuild. The rebuild of the City’s collection system model included the following:
- Update of pipe network and manhole inverts using City GIS and field collected survey data.
- Appropriate georeferencing to ensure accurate infrastructure scaling and hydraulics.
- Update of connection counts across the system.
- Various site visits to collect field data.
- Flow metering coordinated with Pipeline Analysis that was used for model calibration.
- City review and collaboration.
Using the results of the modeling effort allowed eHT to evaluate the City’s collection system and to identify possible bottle necks in the system, as well as identify current or future undersized infrastructure. This report also included the evaluation of the City’s various lift stations. Using the collected and modeled data, eHT developed a wastewater Master Plan. The Master Plan included future growth projections and future expansion of the City’s collection system. Recommended improvements to the City’s collection system, as well as a path forward for collection system expansion are included as part of the Master Plan.