City of Roma Water Treatment Plant

CLIENT: City of Roma

To correct deficiencies documented by the TCEQ, the City’s conventional water treatment plant was expanded from 1.76 MGD to a capacity of 5.15 MGD. Under the TWDB EDAP and DWSRF Program, eHT designed a conventional treatment plant, including upflow solids contract clarification and dual media, gravity filtration. Compliance with disinfection by-products were achieved using chlorine dioxide and chloramination.

Support Services

  • Prepared operations and maintenance manual (plan of operations) for the City’s surface water treatment plant.
  • Conducted plant startup training for new surface water treatment plant and provided ongoing support services related to operation of the plant.
  • Provided regulatory compliance assistance with Stages 1 and 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule.
  • Prepared the water system monitoring plan for the water treatment and delivery systems.