City of Winters Wastewater System Improvements

CLIENT: City of Winters

The City of Winters received a grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture for the construction of wastewater collection system improvements. The grant utilizes funding allocated under the Texas Community Development Program. The City’s wastewater collection system was originally constructed in the mid- to late-1930’s and consisted of clay pipes ranging in size from 4-inches to 12-inches. The project is located in the south eastern section of the City where the main outfall lines come together prior to the main sewage lift station that pumps all wastewater generated within the City to the wastewater treatment plant. The lift station was experiencing periodic pump failures from the debris that entered the lift station from the sewage collection system. eHT provided design and construction management for a new mechanical screen which was installed to remove debris from the wastewater stream so as not to damage the wastewater pumps in the lift station and to bring the wastewater facility into compliance with the TCEQ.