Hardin-Simmons University Housing Complex

CLIENT: Hardin-Simmons University

eHT was a part of the design team responsible for the design and construction of the 2017 HSU Student Housing Complex Renovation and Expansion Project.  eHT provided a variety of services including site surveying, local regulatory compliance and all civil related design elements.  Specific site surveying contributions included the completion of pre-design topographic and boundary surveys, preparation of an updated subdivision plat and construction staking.  Civil design elements completed by eHT included the preparation of site grading and drainage plans, site utility service connection plans and pavement design.  eHT also developed plans for the relocation of 475 linear feet of an existing City of Abilene sanitary sewer main line and plans for the extension of a new 1,200 linear foot potable water loop line through the complex to provide fire and domestic water service.