Parker County SUD Water Treatment Plant Improvements

CLIENT: Parker County Special Utility District

eHT provided a multi-phased approach to resolving current plant challenges, including the following improvements: Replacement of the existing simplex intake pump station with a duplex intake pump station; Replacement of the raw water transfer pump station with a floating pump station at the WTP raw water reservoir; Addition of a new membrane feed pump station; Addition of two (2) trains of plate settler pretreatment equipment (as a bid alternate); Addition of a chlorine dioxide chemical pretreatment system; Addition of a chloramine feed system in pretreatment to minimize biofouling in the pretreatment, MF, and RO systems;  Rehabilitation of the existing RO train, replacement of the RO permeate tank, installation of a second 0.6 mgd RO train (with a shelf spare low-pressure RO pump and high-pressure RO pump), and installation of a second MF/RO splitter structure; Upgrade of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for the treatment building to eliminate overheating of existing panels; Replacement of the chlorinator system and additional coagulant bulk storage, day storage and feed system; Addition of a high service pump and upgrade of the existing high service pumps to increase finished water pumping capacity;   Replacement of the WTP’s manual transfer switch with an automatic transfer switch; Addition of a single waste holding tank and waste transfer pump system; and, Addition of on-site land application irrigation system and necessary equipment.