Reagan County Water System Improvements

CLIENT: Reagan County

eHT provided funding application assistance, design, project management and construction management for the project which included replacement of approximately 105,000 linear feet of 18-inch fusion-welded HDPE water transmission line that connects the Reagan County Water Supply District’s (District) well field with ground storage tanks in the City of Big Lake. The majority of the pipeline is located within private easements and partially located within TxDOT ROW along State Highway 137.  The project also included re-drilling of 19 water supply wells that provide potable water for the City of Big Lake.  Their existing pipeline had reached the end of its useful life and their well production had dropped off significantly since they were originally drilled in the 1980’s so the District asked eHT for assistance in resolving the problem and applying for a USDA Rural Development grant and loan. The project also included rehabilitation of five ground storage tanks that provide water storage for the District and the City of Big Lake and rehabilitation of the District’s existing pump station located at the district’s well field including replacement of electrical system, SCADA system, pumps and valves, building renovations and new flowmeters.  The project was completed in 4 separate construction contracts.