CLIENT: City of Roscoe |
LOCATION: Roscoe, TX |
eHT provided application assistance, planning, design and construction administration of wastewater collection system improvements for the City of Roscoe (City). The original sewer collection system in Roscoe was installed in the 1940's. The severely dilapidated 6-inch and 8-inch sewer lines that were replaced were installed as part of that original system and constructed of clay tile. The lines had experienced numerous failures, leaks, collapses, and blockages in the past and were difficult for the City to keep operational. The areas that were targeted for replacement were the areas that have the most problems, were the most difficult for the City to repair or replace on their own and were in violation of one or more Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) minimum design criteria for sewerage systems. The collection lines were replaced via open-cut trenching with installation of new PVC sewer line. The project included 6,043 linear feet of 8-inch SDR-35 and approximately 710 linear feet of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC gravity sewer line, as well as 37 manholes and appurtenances. The project was funded through the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF).